Our experienced staff of expert instructors supportively guide you through the fundamentals of Ninjutsu. Beginners start with the basics of Taihenjutsu (breakfalls), Kamae (postures), Sanshin-no-kata (motion drills), and Kihon Happo Gata (fundamental forms).
Private Instruction
For those who might be a little timid about jumping right into a full-sized training class, we offer private instruction. This is an excellent method of introduction to our system. Private sessions allow you to:
* Determine your level of fitness. * Decide if our system is right for you. * Allow you to build yourself up to join regular group training. * Bring a friend, or friends, with whom you are comfortable training. * Protect your identity if you are involved in military or law * enforcement special operations.
Our Private Instruction Program Rates are as follows:
Session Class Size Investment
o Private One-on-one $150/hr per person o Semi-private Bring a friend! 115/hr per person o Group Any size! 95/hr per person o 2nd hr/same day "Keepa going!" 75/hr per person